Baby/Gazelle Room
Our Baby room is specially designed to meet the needs of children from 3mths to 18mths. Here they can enjoy a large selection of age appropriate activities, ranging from messy play, heuristic play, independent play and much more. Children’s home sleep routines are closely followed at Helitots here the babies can enjoy peace and quiet in their own sleep area. The children’s bottles are made freshly each day in our kitchen and here we cater for your child’s individual dietary requirements.
Before you start
We will arrange with you a few short visits to the nursery. These visits will enable you both to establish a positive relationship with the nursery team.
During your settling in sessions you will meet your child’s key worker. This member of the team will be responsible for your child’s development journals and point of contact with any day to day questions.
In the days prior to the “big day” talk to your child about all the new and exciting experiences they are about to embark on, mentioning all the new and exciting things they will be doing.
Our aim is to always ensure that there is always a two-way relationship between you and the nursery. We request that you provide us with details or your child’s requirements and preferences prior to their first visit. This means that their key person will be equipped with the knowledge, to ensure they can welcome and settle your child into nursery life with all the information you have offered. No question is a silly question and we encourage families to take an active role in nursery life.
Helitots nursery has an open door policy and should you wish to come and spend time in the nursery with your little one you are always welcome.
If this is the first time your child is going to be separated from you, you could help them prepare by spending short periods of time apart in the run up to their 1st day.
On the day
We will spend quality time getting to know your child on their 1st day, providing relaxed opportunities for them to choose what they play with.
Try not to be anxious about leaving your child if he or she is crying. Our staff are experienced in dealing with these situations. We are always happy to arrange extra settling sessions if either you are we feel they would be beneficial. With a smile clearly, explain that you will see them later. Aim not to prolong the goodbye, as hard as this maybe, trust us, it is better for your child, they can then focus on enjoying their new surroundings and on with their day.
At any point please contact us during this time to ask us how your child is progressing. We are always happy to give you an update on your child.